Canary Blog

Take Time for Thanksgiving

Written by Jeff Knepper | Nov 21, 2017 9:04:00 PM

The seventh edition of a weekly Question and Answer column with Gary Stern, President and Founder of Canary Labs. Have a question you would like me to answer? Email           


Dear Gary Stern,

How thoughtful of you to ask!  Yesterday while making a cup of my notoriously bad coffee (although I imagine you would find it quite delicious), I heard a sound clip from the TV that caused me to pause.  The national news was covering the last White House press briefing before the holiday break, and White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders was at the podium.  I heard her tell the entire press corps that before she would answer any of their questions, they must first state what they were thankful for.

I sat down and watched.  Over the next five minutes, I noticed the entire atmosphere of the room change.  What is often an edgy or even hostile environment was magically transformed into a room filled with warmth and dare I say appreciation!  So, inspired by Mrs. Sanders, I ask you to answer the same question.  What are you thankful for?

Myself, I am thankful for my wife Anne, our six wonderful children, their spouses, and our new grandson Jay.  I am thankful for my church family, our community, and this beautiful part of Central Pennsylvania I call home.  I am thankful to live in a country that has afforded me the opportunity to create a business that helps men and women like yourself succeed in theirs.  I am thankful for each of my employees, not just for their performance and diligence, but that they have chosen to align their lives with mine.

Let the magic of a thankful heart transform your holiday, Happy Thanksgiving everyone.

Gary Stern
President and Founder
Canary Labs
Have a question you would like me to answer?  Email