Municipality-Friendly Smart City Tech on a Budget

Oct 11, 2017 6:56:00 AM / by Jeff Knepper posted in Uncategorized


Often local municipalities lag behind on the tech curve because of inadequate funding and fewer resources. The IoT revolution can be different. Centered around low cost, simple to deploy solutions, IoT will allow small-to-medium sized municipalities to streamline data collection and have better asset visibility. With a finger on the "pulse" of their data, operators and supervisors will make key "cost saving" decisions more often.
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Transform IIoT Data Into Actionable Insight

Oct 4, 2017 8:30:00 AM / by Jeff Knepper posted in Uncategorized


Every day the machinery and equipment that surrounds you produces more and more data. The IIoT is moving forward, whether you are embracing it or not. Earlier in the year, Forbes published an article that estimated the IoT market would see more than 267 billion in purchasing dollars by 2020! As more industries and operations embrace IIoT technology, the challenge they will face is turning this massive data pool into knowledge that will help them run more efficiently and return a better ROI.  
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Monitoring Multiple Locations Through Corporate Mirroring

Jan 17, 2017 8:22:00 AM / by Jeff Knepper posted in Uncategorized


Canary Software was designed for full enterprise solutions. The historian can scale to handle 25 million tags, hunderds of sites and remote logging locations, as well as be installed with redundancy that ensures data integrity as well as security. The system is highly customizable, allowing each application to be designed for the specific customer's needs.

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What Every Process Engineer Can Learn From The Goonies

Jul 19, 2016 3:28:00 PM / by Jeff Knepper posted in Uncategorized


As an 80’s kid myself, I doubt there is any movie I have watched more often than Steven Spielberg’s “The Goonies”. While recently watching the Goonie gang, I realized that this fabled childhood film has some serious crossover into my adult world, industrial process data. So read below and answer the question I can guarantee you’ve never been asked before… What can "The Goonies" teach me about my process?
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The Data Historian for Industrial Automation

With only 3 steps, we make maximizing the value of your process data simple.


Make It Easy To Use Your Time-Series Data


Most companies are spending too much money on their data historians