How Does SQL Perform When Compared to Canary?

Feb 20, 2018 9:56:45 AM / by Jeff Knepper posted in Case Studies, Data Historian, Products


Recently, a system integrator asked us to provide data that would provide both speed and storage requirement comparisons between an out-of-the-box SQL database and Canary.  They wanted to use this data to decide whether it would be best for customer's to deploy a Canary system, or deploy, tune, and maintain an SQL system.

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Case Study: Remote Site Monitoring

Sep 28, 2017 2:35:00 PM / by Jeff Knepper posted in Case Studies, Data Historian, Products


Since 2008, the East West Power Renewable Corporation (EWP) has used Canary software to assist them in the remote monitoring of power generation facilities across the United States. Using more than twenty remote loggers, EWP can centralize all site data to a corporate historian, while still making data available to plant operators, supervisors, and engineers.

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The Advantage of Smart Building Monitoring

Mar 6, 2017 12:05:00 PM / by Jeff Knepper posted in Case Studies


Smart buildings integrate major building systems onto a common network and share information and functionality between systems. Monitoring these systems will not only improve building operations but also lower overall operating costs. Thus, the implementation of smart building technologies will improve energy efficiency, enhance operational effectiveness, and most importantly, will increase tenant satisfaction.

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Data Historian Performance Test: Pushing Canary to the Limit

Jun 27, 2016 3:39:00 PM / by Jeff Knepper posted in Case Studies, Data Historian


In 2014 Gary Stern and the engineering team at Canary Labs sought to test the full capabilities of the Canary Data Historian. Published below are the complete findings from their study. As this was originally intended for use as an internal document, please excuse any grammatical or spelling errors.

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Case Study: Practical Use in the Field

May 31, 2016 10:34:00 AM / by Jeff Knepper posted in Case Studies, Data Historian, Products, Trending Software


Time and time again, companies who make an investment in the Canary data historian and trending software solutions see great returns on their investment. An independent oil and natural gas company made a $22,500 investment in the Canary data historian and Axiom trending and analytic software and saved over $250,000 through monitoring and improving the efficiency of their equipment.

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Case Study: Fracking Data Vans

May 18, 2016 10:50:00 AM / by Jeff Knepper posted in Case Studies, Data Historian, Products, Trending Software


Fabricated Oil Company (FOC), anonymity requested, uses Canary's process historian and trending analysis software solutions to collect, store, and monitor time series process data in fourteen of their data vans throughout various oil plays in the United States.

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Case Study: Cheese Production Facility

May 10, 2016 10:15:00 AM / by Jeff Knepper posted in Case Studies, Data Historian, News, Products, Trending Software


Canary software is being used by a major cheese producer and re-packer (privacy requested) in Wisconsin, and has been successfully implemented to assist the production process.  Canary's data historian and Axiom software is being used to monitor and provide trending solutions for all data sensors in the plant, including temperatures, pressures, utilities, and production numbers.

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Case Study: Chocolate Manufacturing Company

May 10, 2016 10:08:00 AM / by Jeff Knepper posted in Case Studies, Data Historian, News, Products, Trending Software


A world-leading chocolate processing company (privacy requested) uses the Canary System to log data from OPC servers and then trend that data within their HMI displays.  By providing real time data trends to their HMI displays, they are able to monitor critical processes ensuring top product quality and manufacturing efficiency.
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The Data Historian for Industrial Automation

With only 3 steps, we make maximizing the value of your process data simple.


Make It Easy To Use Your Time-Series Data


Most companies are spending too much money on their data historians