Enterprise Historian Data Sheet
Mar 21, 2017 8:39:00 AM / by Jeff Knepper posted in Data Historian
How to Adopt a Predictive Analytic Solution
Feb 9, 2017 12:20:00 PM / by Jeff Knepper posted in Data Historian, Predictive Analytics
SAP recently posted an article titled "10 Myths About Predictive Analytics". It is a great read and worth your time, and can be found here. The article makes the following points regarding current Predictive Analytic Myths:
The Four Necessary Steps to Predictive Asset Management
Jun 30, 2016 2:52:00 PM / by Jeff Knepper posted in Data Historian, Products
Tired of reacting to unexpected equipment failures, power outages, and unplanned downtime? If you are not actively transitioning from a reactive to a predictive asset management program, you are likely to deal with the same frustrations a year from now as you have in the past. Although hindsight will always be twenty-twenty, foresight has the potential to save your company millions in operating dollars.
A Guide to the Best Data Historian Software: A Review of the Canary Historian Versus Rockwell FactoryTalk or AVEVA PI
Jun 27, 2016 4:22:00 PM / by Jeff Knepper posted in Data Historian, feature
When a company decides to make a capital investment in data historian software, it can often be overwhelming. Searching through the complete list of data historians in the process database family will reveal nearly a dozen data historians in the marketplace, not to mention open source options that an IT team may decide to attempt. By definition, data historian software should be:
Data Historians and Their Necessity
Jun 24, 2016 4:11:00 PM / by Jeff Knepper posted in Data Historian, Products, Trending Software
Many companies do not realize the advantages that historical process data can offer, helping them to save both time and money. Ed Stern, Vice President of Canary Labs, discusses his experience in the matter:
Canary Data Historian and the 12 Reasons You Can't Live Without It
Jun 8, 2016 12:04:00 PM / by Jeff Knepper posted in Data Historian, Products
Data Historian and Trending Software that Meets User's Requirements
Jun 3, 2016 11:37:00 AM / by Jeff Knepper posted in Data Historian, Products, Trending Software, Life
I recently received an email from a potential system integrator customer that wanted to see how the Canary data historian and trending software would meet their client's needs. After addressing all concerns, I thought it would be worthwhile to share as it demonstrates how well the Canary system works in comparison to other products like Pi, GE, or Rockwell software.
Case Study: Practical Use in the Field
May 31, 2016 10:34:00 AM / by Jeff Knepper posted in Case Studies, Data Historian, Products, Trending Software
Time and time again, companies who make an investment in the Canary data historian and trending software solutions see great returns on their investment. An independent oil and natural gas company made a $22,500 investment in the Canary data historian and Axiom trending and analytic software and saved over $250,000 through monitoring and improving the efficiency of their equipment.
Case Study: Fracking Data Vans
May 18, 2016 10:50:00 AM / by Jeff Knepper posted in Case Studies, Data Historian, Products, Trending Software
Fabricated Oil Company (FOC), anonymity requested, uses Canary's process historian and trending analysis software solutions to collect, store, and monitor time series process data in fourteen of their data vans throughout various oil plays in the United States.
Empowering Water Utilities with Historical Data
May 14, 2016 10:29:00 PM / by Jeff Knepper posted in Data Historian, News, Products, Trending Software